How to care for your hair
It is advised to comb your hair with combs made of wood since they do not injure the curls. Moreover, they should be smooth, without cracks and irregularities.
In summer, as well as during ho How to care for your hair holidays in hot countries, it is necessary to wear a hat and use sunscreen sprays.
Frequent scratching and scalp massage lead to increased activity of the sebaceous glands.
When using styling devices: hairdryer, irons, curling irons, you must apply a special thermal protective agent to your hair.
Hair dyes should be gentle, without ammonia in the composition.
Hairstyles that involve tight tightening of hair are harmful because of them, the curls are deprived of nutrition: such hairstyles are advised to be done only when necessary.
Styling products such as mousses and foams should not be used too often.
Wearing a hat at sub-zero temperatures is mandatory.
The ends should be trimmed every three months to avoid cutting.
How to choose care for your hair?
Each type of hair needs its care. To understand what is right for you, first determine the type of your hair.
If your hair quickly becomes dirty, looks unkempt the same evening after washing in the morning, then you have oily hair. To prolong the freshness of your hair, follow these guidelines:
to avoid the active release of fat, wash your hair only with warm water (the greasier the hair, the lower the water temperature should be) and avoid head massage;
buy shampoos containing vitamins A, C, and K, zinc, sage, nettle, and seaweed extracts;
Make masks with curdled milk, clay, aloe juice, and essential oils.
How to wash your hair properly?
Proper shampooing is essential for hair health. It is necessary to follow generally accepted recommendations to thoroughly cleanse the scalp from impurities and not damage the hair.
So what is the right way to wash your hair? First, gently comb through the curls with a comb or comb to improve blood circulation in the skin and facilitate the process of flushing out dead skin cells. This step is especially important for those with long hair. Comb the curls, starting at the tips and gradually moving towards the roots.
Prepare water for washing: it should be settled and boiled, distilled is perfect. In such soft water, there are no various metals and bleach that negatively affect the condition of the hair.
Moisten your hair with water along its entire length, its temperature shouldn't exceed thirty-five degrees. In the palms of your hands, mix a portion of the shampoo with a little water, lather the composition in your hands, and apply it to the hair, distributing it along the entire length.
Using your fingertips, lightly rub the shampoo into the scalp (if the hair is oily, use the utmost care in your movements) and wash off the foam with plenty of water. Repeat the shampoo procedure to be sure to rinse off any remaining dirt.
How to care for your hair |
Finally, blot your hair with a fluffy towel that absorbs moisture well. It is impossible to rub and twist the curls because of this, the hair breaks and splits.
The best way to dry your hair is naturally in the fresh air. We must try to observe this principle at all times. If you use a hairdryer after each wash, your hair will become dry and brittle. If it is impossible to refuse to use a hairdryer, you need to choose sparing parameters, they should be regulated separately from each other.
The device should be kept at a distance of fifteen to twenty centimeters from the hair. You cannot comb your wet hair, you must wait until it dries up, and use a comb with large and rare teeth so as not to harm the curls.
They wash their hair as it gets dirty, but try to do it no more often than once every two days. Frequent washing deprives the scalp of its natural defenses.
For some reason, it is not recommended to wash your hair before bed. If you clean your head in the evening, thermoregulation is disturbed, the work of the sebaceous glands is also activated, so in the morning the hair may already look stale; the hairstyle deteriorates, it has to be corrected in the morning with the use of irons and a hairdryer. Experts recommend getting up early in the morning and taking some time to wash your hair.
Why does hair health deteriorate?
Hair health depends on many factors. The following conditions can affect their condition:
- unbalanced nutrition, lack of nutrients necessary for the body;
- fungal diseases;
- poor environmental situation;
- frequent dyeing, perm, the use of aggressive care and styling products;e
- Severe stress, overwork.
Daily styling using a hairdryer, curling iron, ironing, frequent use of styling products, monthly coloring, toning, perm - all these hurt hair. As a result, the hair dries up, splits, breaks loses its shine and softness. Harmful to curls and frequent washing. You should try to wash your hair no more than two to three times a week, although it is difficult for owners of oily strands to follow this rule.
Hair masks
Haircare will be inadequate if you refuse to use homemade nourishing masks. A large number of recipes are known, each of which allows you to cope with a certain complexity or complex of problems.
Recipe 1. Mask with calendula, which strengthens hair and prevents hair loss. Put a tablespoon of calendula flowers and peppermint per liter of boiling water. The mixture is infused for forty minutes, then filtered. Apply the mask to the head thirty minutes before shampooing.
Recipe 2. Kefir mask for hair growth. Egg yolk and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder are added to half a glass of kefir. The mask is applied to the root zone and left for one hour.
Recipe 3. Mask with banana and avocado. A medium-sized banana, half an avocado, an egg, two tablespoons of honey, and three tablespoons of olive oil, combine and stir until mushy. Apply the composition to hair for thirty minutes, then rinse.
Recipe 4. Mask with coconut oil and almond milk. Mix two tablespoons of coconut oil, three tablespoons of egg white, and four tablespoons of almond milk and apply the composition to the hair.
Recipe 5. Mask with aloe vera. Mix four tablespoons of aloe vera, three egg yolks, three tablespoons of olive oil, apply to dry hair for five hours.
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