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The Labrador retriever: The Smartest Dog on the Planet?

Some of the most expensive dog breeds are not classed as ‘smart’ even though they are cute and very appealing. However, one of the smartest dogs on the planet today has to be the Labrador retriever.

The Labrador retriever: The Smartest Dog on the Planet?

Now, is this the smartest in the world? Well, it’s up there and the truth is that these dogs love to please so they can tend to pick things up a lot easier. That’s why these are some of the most loved dogs, and more people adore these animals too. However, if you are thinking about getting a Labrador retriever what do you need to know about them?

Lots of Exercise is Needed

While Labradors might not seem the biggest dog breeds available today, they are classed as large breeds, and as large dogs, they are going to need lots of care and attention. Now, it’s a smart dog but you cannot take the animal for granted. Labradors require lots of exercise and activity so that they can remain healthy and happy. Healthy dogs generally are happier and usually live a lot longer too (as long as a medical condition doesn’t hamper their health) so it’s important to ensure the dog is given ample exercise. This not only keeps them healthy but also enables them to be able to do the basics such as walk to the back garden to go to the bathroom or to play with their owners. You can still offer them homemade dog treats but you also have to be wary of how often you feed them.

Good Food is a Must-Have

Dog’s burn off lots of fat and use up lots of energy too so the type of food you feed them must also be the best. You don’t necessarily have to spend thousands on food but ensure the quality of the meats and other things are good. Remember: dogs need good fats because they burn a lot off and if they don’t get a good supply of food it might mean they are fatigued more often and unable to do the things they should be doing. That’s a problem and it doesn’t matter if you buy the most expensive dog breeds or otherwise, every dog needs good exercise. Labradors are especially in need of exercise. They are smart dogs but they still need to be exercised.

Regular Grooming is a Necessity!

Usually, Labradors have lovely coats but they can get into some state if they are not properly groomed. Now, a lot of people forget about grooming but it remains one of the most important elements for a dog. Labradors are especially in need of regular grooming so you can’t take them for granted. Homemade dog treats can be given and you can play with the animal too, but you can’t neglect their grooming needs. They must be groomed well and regularly so that they are in good condition from start to finish.

Love Your Lab

Labradors are gorgeous from the time they are puppies to the time they are fully grown and you must be very vigilant when it comes to taking care of them. you not only have to ensure they get the right grooming needs but also they are given proper and healthy food and lots of exercises. They are considered to be the smartest dogs on the planet, but that doesn’t mean to say you should neglect them in some way. They are not the most expensive dog breeds available but they are certainly some of the most gorgeous and loyal breeds, so really push the boat out, build them their doggy palace.

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